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Fleet PYC racing supplements


The Flying Fifteen Fleet will comply with the PYC NoR with the following addenda/ modifications.  Where there is conflict, this addendum will prevail.

Warning Signals

  1. The Warning Signals for the Saturday and Wednesday Autumn Series shall be as follows:

  • From 1st October to 30th October inclusive not before 13.25 hrs except*
    - Wednesday 16/10 - 12:55 earliest Warning Signal (advanced 30 mins)
    - Wednesday 30/10 - 12:55 earliest Warning Signal (advanced 30 mins)

  • From 1st November to 21st December inclusive not before 12.55 hrs except*
    - Saturday 14/12 - 11:55 earliest Warning Signal (advanced 60 mins)

    *to accommodate tides

  1. The first Warning Signal for the Mini Series shall be not before 11:25 hrs

  2. The Warning Signal for the Last Blast shall be not before 10.55 hrs 

Low Water Days

  1. With no less than one weeks notice given to all Fleet members via the class’ social media and email groups, the race start time may be changed from the time as scheduled in the Sailing Calendar to allow for adequate depth of water for launching, sailing and recovery of boats.

  2. If a race is rescheduled according to this provision it may be run as a Fleet organised event (possibly with a Gate Start) and without club support boat cover.  In this case, results may be recorded by the competitors taking part in the race and advised to the Fleet Vice Captain by the winner of the race for inclusion in the series. 

Mini Series 

  1. Participation in the Mini Series is open to all members of the PYC Flying Fifteen Fleet and  temporary members

  2. Attention is drawn to PYC NoR Rule 4 for un-supported Flying Fifteen racing Competitors are strongly advised to carry a VHF radio. This changes International Flying Fifteen Class Rule B 14.5”.

  1. Schedule, Location & Duration of Races

  • The Mini Series dates and location shall be as defined in the Sailing Programme

  • Mini Series will be sailed either in Poole Bay, Studland Bay or in Poole Harbour “Top Triangle”.

  • Mini Series held in Poole Bay will comprise up to 3 races, with an expected duration of between 30 minutes and 45 minutes for the first race and between 45 minutes and 60 minutes for subsequent races

  • Mini Series held in the Top Triangle will comprise up to 4 races, with an expected duration between 30 minutes and 45 minutes

  • Mini Series provisionally targeted to sail in Poole Bay or Studland Bay may be sailed instead in the Top Triangle if conditions require.  In this case, the Race Officer will notify the Fleet before 10.00 hrs on the day of the Mini Series

  1. Scoring will be in accordance with the RRS Appendix A Low Points system with one discard if more than three races are sailed.  The results for each days Mini Series results will contribute to scoring for the PYC seasonal series in accordance with PYC NoR 10.3.

  2. If the Mini Series is cancelled, any PYC club run race on the day shall count to the overall club series scoring. 

PYC Two Race Days

  1. On days listed within the PYC sailing calendar as Two Race Daythe Flying Fifteen Fleet will sail one race with an expected duration of approximately 1½ to 2  hours as indicated in the PYC Guidance to ROs.

  2. If sailors on the day choose to sail a second race, only the scores from the first race will count to the series score.  This changes PYC NoR 10.2. 


  1. Scoring in the Flying Fifteen series will be in accordance with RRS appendix A with the adaptation defined in Clause A5.3.

  2. Boats sailing in a Flying Fifteen Open Meeting at another club may have their average points for the series awarded for a club race that they miss on the day of the Open Meeting, by applying to the Fleet Captain.

  3. Boats not sailing because they are providing race management team members for club racing or a Flying Fifteen Mini Series may have their average points for the series awarded for that day’s score. 

  4. ​Boats requesting average points must notify the Fleet Captain or Fleet Vice Captain on or before the pertinent day in order to have their results included in Sailwave.


  1. PYC Notice of Race

The Flying Fifteen Fleet will comply with the PYC Sailing Instructions and the International Flying Fifteen Class rules with the following addenda/ modifications when participating in PYC Club Races.  Where there is conflict, this addendum  will prevail.


  1. Attention is drawn to PYC SI 1.2.2. Penalties:  “Dart 18, J24, Shrimper and Flying Fifteen Classes. RRS 44.1 is changed so that Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by One-Turn Penalty”.


  1. International Flying Fifteen Class Rule B15.3 is deleted, as permitted by that rule. No anchor need be carried.

  2. Attention is drawn to PYC NoR Rule 4 for un-supported Flying Fifteen racing in the Autumn Series Competitors are strongly advised to carry a VHF radio. This changes International Flying Fifteen Class Rule B 14.5”.

Fleet Sailing Limits

  1. The fleet recommends that racing should be maintained in winds gusting up to 30 knots.  Decision to race must also take account of the wind direction, sea state and general weather conditions. The decision to offer a race shall be made by the Race Officer.

 Mini Series

  1. ​​Races shall be started from a Committee Vessel (which may be a RiB).  There will be no large Orange Flag displayed ashore from the Race Flagstaff to indicate this.  This changes PYC SI 4.3.1.

  2. The course will be displayed on the Committee Vessel using a whiteboard and the designated mark symbols, or may be given verbally or by VHF

  3. The starting line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the Committee Vessel and the course side of the starting mark which will be a Dan Buoy with orange flag, or any other mark designated verbally or by VHF

  4. ​The finishing line shall be as the start line

  5. Any boat which is behind the body of the fleet may at the discretion of the Race Officer be awarded the finishing score of its observed position on the race course.  RRS 35 shall not apply. 

  6. Competitors who fail to comply with any aspect of the following safety regulations shall be subject to disqualification without a hearing.  This changes RRS 63.1.

  • RRS 40.1 applies (wearing personal flotation devices).  This changes PYC SI 16.6

  • Competitors shall register their intention to race with the Race Officer at the Committee Vessel by presenting as a starter.  Any competitor who retires from a race shall notify the Race Officer before returning to shore.

  • It is every competitor’s responsibility to look out for anyone in difficulty and go to their aid if other assistance is not available.  Redress will be given to any competitor providing required assistance to others.

  • The Race Officer may instruct a boat or competitor to accept outside help, retire or return ashore, if he/ she considers that a boat or competitor is in difficulty

Gate Start

  1. In the absence of a Race Committee to man the Platform or a Committee Vessel, races may be started with a Gate Start

  2. The Fleet Captain shall be the Race Organiser, or in their absence the Race Organiser shall be nominated by the Fleet members participating in the gate start racing

  3. The Race Organiser will define the Course to be sailed, the Starting Mark around which the Gate Start will be based, and will nominate the Pathfinder boat for the first race.

  4. The Pathfinder boat  for the subsequent race will be the third placed boat in the preceding race, except when she is unable to race or was Pathfinder in the preceding race.  The Pathfinder will then be the fourth boat in the preceding race and so on.

  5. The Gate Start sequence will be signalled by the crew of the nominated pathfinder boat using sound signals for a 5 minute count down as per the table below. Times shall be taken from the start of the sound signals.  There will not be any visual signals.  This changes RRS Rule 26.​  

Minutes before starting signal Sound Signal Means
5 One short sound Warning Signal
4 One short sound Intermediate signal
1 One long sound Preparatory Signal
0 One short sound Start
  1. At approximately 10 seconds before the starting signal, the Pathfinder shall pass close to the Starting Mark travelling at full speed close-hauled on port tack and will maintain this point of sailing for at least one minute after the start signal during which period the Pathfinder shall have right of way over all other starters. 
  2. At and after the starting signal, boats may start by passing between the Pathfinder and the Starting Mark, leaving at least one boat length behind the Pathfinder.  The start line will close 45 seconds after the start signal.
  3. Any boat which impedes the progress of the Pathfinder during the start shall (regardless of RRS 44) be disqualified without a hearing.  This changes RRS 63.1.  For the purposes of this SI 6.1.6, the word of the Pathfinder or of the Race Organiser shall suffice.
  4. One  minute after the starting signal, the Pathfinder shall be released to join the race.
  5. Any boat which is on the port side of the Pathfinder while the Gate is open has not crossed the starting line from the course side and needs to return to do so by rounding the Starting Mark leaving it on her port side.  Boats purporting to start after the Pathfinder has been released may be accepted as late starters at the discretion of the Race Organiser.


  1. PYC Sailing Instructions and Course Book
  2. Amendments to PYC Sailing Instructions