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Boxing day 2022 - race report

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Boxing day 2022 - race report

Champagne two days running. The boxing day race started, with well over 20 boats, 5 ilca 7 and 2 ilca 6. With a strong starboard bias and a mixed fleet I decided on a late but safe pin end start and so had a good view of the line prior to the start. Luckily the christmas cheer was flowing as no general recall despite at least 10 boats over at the start many by a whole boat length. The wind was shifty and much was gained and lost with some forced tacks necessary to avoid the bigger boats' wind shadow. With the fantastic conditions the race officer decided not to stop the fleet and we continued at 40-50 minutes for a second lap (the course was RORO, Parkstone Dental, Wilkes, Latham and Northshore homes, all to PORT). The wind was now rising, averaging 15kts, with some 19-20 gusts. Much fun was had. Bob managed to entangle an RS200 on a marker post, well done Bob. James and myself had a good battle throughout the race won by James.

Final results after handicap (might need correcting) were Chris, David H, James, Bob, Myself, Chris Guy and Colston, with the last 5 within a minute of each other. Colston might have been planning last place as he won a T-shirt !

Posted: 26/12/2022 18:11:51 by David Pratt | with 0 comments

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