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Frequently Asked Questions

For Thursday LF Evening Sailing
You will be sent a WhatsApp link every week and asked to sign up if you intend to sail on the Thursday, that week. This really helps us organise enough Volunteer Trainers and RIBS; so please help us by completing the WhatsApp link for each week that you intend to sail.

For other LF Social and Training Events
You will be sent a WhatsApp link and will be asked to supply additional information, for example, preferred date, menu. Most of our communication is via WhatsApp, though we may also ask for your email address, so that we can easily email those who have responded, rather than messaging the whole fleet.
Ladies Fleet: Thursday Duty (2 per season) – Sign up via Ladies Fleet Dutyman (NOT PYC dutyman)
During the season, all LF members are expected to do two Thursday evening duties, either as a RIB driver if you have PB2, or crew. 

Ladies Fleet: Club/Race Duties
In addition, all PYC Ladies Fleet members are required to do at least 2 Club/Race duties per year. Please go to the Club Club Home page, select DutyMan and choose duties which have been allocated for the Ladies Fleet only.  
  • buoyancy aid appropriate to your weight
    - it really helps our trainers if your name is on the back - either permanent marker or gaffer tape
  • wetsuit
  • spray-top or waterproof jacket
  • sailing gloves and boots
For Consideration
  • hat, bump cap or sailing helmet
  • long sleeved UV protective rash vest, sunglasses, sun screen, sun lip protector
  • waterproof watch with a countdown - useful if racing
  • water bottle


Most payments will be made through your Clubcard account, though payment for some social events outside of PYC use the Ladies Fleet account: