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24/08/2022 11:32:18 by John Keates

Last of the Monday Night Summer series (but not the wine, I hope).

When my namesake wrote, in glowing terms, of autumn being a season of mist and mellow fruitfulness, it was clear evidence to me that he’d never been a race officer. Your race team, in an attempt to be moderately professional, had sat on the water for fifty minutes dutifully monitoring the wind oscillating between 120 and 150 degrees. Hence at 1845 we diligently arranged the course around this wind pattern......

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Posted: 24/08/2022 11:32:18 by John Keates
When my namesake wrote, in glowing terms, of autumn being a season of mist and mellow fruitfulness, it was clear evidence to me that he’d never been a race officer. Your race team, in an attempt to be moderately professional, had sat on the water for fifty minutes dutifully monitoring the wind oscillating between 120 and 150 degrees. Hence at 1845 we diligently arranged the course around this wind pattern......